reading Chris Friend’s blog on alternate personas in the world of digital
writing (When Writing Digitally, Nobody
Knows You’re a Duck), I began to ponder what alternate persona I would assume
if I were to take one on like Digi
the Duck. To assume a digital persona is a bit like dressing up for
Halloween, being someone you aren’t in everyday life. My first thought gravitated
toward creating a new goddess, you know, all powerful but loving. More
specifically, the new persona could be a Muse, breathing inspiration into
writers of digital texts, including myself. She could join her nine Muse sisters
including Calliope, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhnmnia, and Thalia, the
other Muses associated with the craft of writing. She could not, however,
become the tenth Muse because Sappho of Lesbos has already been bestowed with
that honor. A more appropriate title for the Muse of digital writing would be
the .5 Muse. I’ll call her Digimulios, the
Muse of amusement in digital form.
I need to call on Digimulios now because I am getting way
off topic. What I want to share is a word cloud of Friend’s blog shaped
appropriately as a duck. I used
to develop this word cloud. The site’s default shapes did not include a duck,
so I imported one from PowerPoint.
Word clouds
are a great way to see which (digital) words are emphasized. In seeing words sized
in relation to the frequency of their use, we can see which ideas are accentuated
as well. Do you think this word cloud expresses the essence of the blog entry?
I also tried another analysis tool for digital text at This tool allows you to
classify a work by Myers-Briggs categories, gender emphasis, age
appropriateness, social issues, mood, tone, and many other classifications. I
ran the Friend blog entry through the classics
classifier, which compares the style of a work of digital text to the writing
styles of classic authors. I found that the writing in this blog entry was
classified as 33% similar to the writing style of Nietzsch’s works, 17% with
Edgar Allen Poe, and almost 13% with Plato (a close friend to a young
Digimulios most likely).
Both of these approaches can
open possibilities for a variety of approaches for analyzing available digital
texts, while also being an inspiration for creating new texts. I implore you, Digimulios,
to sing the URLs for these tools from the heavens of cyber space. Inspire
digital writers and expand our network. By the way, don’t forget to sing to me with
your inspiration when you see my curser blinking on a blank Word document.
Thanks for trying out these tools and sharing the results! Once I stop playing with them, I'll let you know the results.